Professional Liability
We represent lawyers in malpractice lawsuits, in governmental proceedings and criminal prosecutions, in commercial disputes, and in disciplinary matters. Our clients include large international law firms and foreign law firms in multi-million dollar disputes. We are proud that other lawyers turn to us when they need advice and legal representation.
Noteworthy Representations
Defended intellectual property law firm against legal malpractice claim regarding misappropriation of trade secrets.
Defended international law firm against legal malpractice claims seeking damages of $165 million based on advice given regarding the Ohio Consumer Sales Practice Act, and obtained dismissal by motion.
Defended international law firm against legal malpractice claims relating to establishment and operation of family trust.
Defended law firm threatened with referral to criminal and regulatory authorities, and persuaded federal judge not to refer.
Represented Indian law firm in dispute with international law firm regarding ownership of the firm and its assets.
Represented collections law firm in federal criminal investigation into bribery of public officials and related disciplinary proceeding, resulting in no charges or disciplinary action.
Defended national law firm against malpractice claim relating to their conduct in litigation attaching their adversary’s assets.
Represented transactional lawyer in government investigation regarding his structuring of corporate ownership and transactions.
Represented lawyer in connection with criminal investigation of leaks to press.